Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lift Up Your Face!

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

The third day of Computer Lab...I arrived at 12 noon, tidied up the die-cuts, construction paper, paper cutters, made sure there was paper in the printers and dusted the window sills (they looked like they hadn't been dusted since I graduated from OU in 1986!)

As I walked around to see if anyone needed help, I noticed that no one was looking at anyone, were listening to their music and typing away. As the students left one by one I smiled and said "Hi, how are you today?", one by one they looked at me as if I had the plague!

Not much more happened Wednesday in the Computer Lab. However, as I walked back to Grover (yep, I walked up Jeff Hill) through the College Green, I noticed the same thing. Everyone walking, with earphones in or texting as they walked and not making eye contact. Once again, I made it a point to look people in the eye and say I continued walking everyone began to say hello in return.

Long story short...lift up your face, smile and say hello to everyone you pass! You may make someone's day a little brighter!

1 comment:

  1. "Lift Up Your Face" is a new song just released by Third Day.
